

by S:

I had an early client - had to be at her house at 8:00 am so left a bit earlier than I normally would just to make sure that if it was at all icy on the side streets I could go slow - but no! All very clear. The sun was just coming up and the sky was an amazing bright pink! Against the snow it was breathtaking! So glorious. On my way in I saw a deer in an open snowy field - a sight I had never seen before and then a little further down the road I saw two more. They were small like the ones we see up in the Cariboo - absolutely gorgeous! My day was off to a really great start - and then my two clients were both in fine spirits, too. Nice!!

by L: 

What a difference from Greater Vancouver - They plow streets immediately and continuously when it snows -  and sidewalks (they apparently use little plows like ride-on lawn mowers for public areas, and everyone else either shovels or uses a snow-blower)... although we had upwards of 6 inches yesterday the street and sidewalks and most store parking lots were bare and black today because they were plowed yesterday - yeah the snow is different - drier - but they really really know  how to "do" winter here!!!