snowing again...


by L :

S is off on today's (morning) shift... is snowing again, actually landing... very white and very quiet... not supposed to get more than a skiff, though - and it never lasts (so far, at least)...  later today I have an appointment with vet for Mr. Popper - he's still not quite right (spraying and peeing inappropriately - not often but still...) and I just want to rule out anything physical...  so that will be Fun...

well, the vet seemed nice... its possible from the urine test that Moo has a slight bladder infection - have antibiotics for him, hopefully that will turn out to be the problem and all will be  well.   A friend also suggested that we try a special kitty calming food (both science diet and hills have one)... going to check with the vet to see if she thinks that would help or if we should wait till after the antibiotics are done...  fingers crossed...