

by S:

Am really enjoying working for Senior Home Care by Angels. The company is very well run - very organized - very professional. We have uniforms which is GREAT, they provide us with gloves, hand sanitizer and masks, offer on line training (actually ongoing on line training is a requirement of employment) and they actually follow through and do the things they SAY they are going to do! Really great.

My clients are super fun and it is such a pleasure to serve them. They have a wide variety of needs which makes my days interesting and varied. I see a Korean war vet who is 80 something and all we do is provide companionship - literally we do is sit and chat with him. I see a lady who is in her 90's with Alzheimer's who has almost 24 hour care (she is left on her own from 8-11 am but otherwise someone is with her) she is super sweet - likes to walk - which is great but has absolutely no memory of anything current...past memories are also sketchy but she is always in good humour so a pleasure to be with. There is a lady who is 95 and just moved from Ontario to live with her daughter & son in law who have the most amazing property and house (with an inground pool) with a huge unobstructed view of the ocean...absolute heaven - she needs assistance getting showered and dressed. They gave me a jar of homemade maple syrup yesterday - OMG it's absolutely delicious!!!! I see a handful of clients who need help getting a meal so get to cook which is great! Only a tiny bit of very easy cleaning. Dishes, making beds, etc. SWEET!

One fellow is bedridden, he has private 24 hour care and we just go for an hour in the morning to assist with a bed bath and to get him up for breakfast - his memory is perfect and he has wonderful stories and has given L & I some suggestions on things we might like to see and do in the area. Another fellow lives with his wife - she is very kind and also has given me some great tips on things to see and do - he needs shower assistance, help getting dressed and we get out and go for a walk - he has dementia but is always happy and we have a lot of laughs while we get things done.

We do a lot of 1 hour shifts which are great - but some shifts are longer (6 hours - 8 hours) I like the diversity of both!

Not sure if I will be able to continue to work for them after we move into our permanent homes - it depends on where we decide to settle.