Quarantine ends and imminent Stuff arrival!!!


by L:

YAY!   we got a call this afternoon  from the movers - they are ahead of schedule and will be here tomorrow around 10:00am with our Stuff!  Originally they said would be something like 16-21 days... and since they picked it all up on Nov 23 (Monday after we left) we figured it would be later this coming week at best - but got a call yesterday evening saying it would be here today!!!  Furniture, clothes, kitchen, cat trees  etc - so exciting!!!!  Looking forward to really settling in...

S called Landlord to let him  know - because there won't be room for our Stuff till he takes his sofas etc back - which he kindly agreed to do first thing - will get his buddy with a truck to come help him.

and equally exciting - we are freed from quarantine  as of midnight tonight !!!